Welcome to Ben Franklin Transit Vanpool
Ben Franklin Transit, a regional public transit agency serving Benton and Franklin counties, offers transportation alternatives essential to the region's seamless transit system.
Ben Franklin Transit provides services that make alternative transportation, such as carpooling, vanpooling, and mass transit more affordable, accessible and convenient.
The Ben Franklin Transit Vanpool Database provides quick information and helps you find the best transportation option for your daily commute.
Choosing an alternative mode of transportation has never been easier and provides many benefits for you and your community: cost and time savings, reduced congestion, improved air quality, and less dependence on foreign oil.
Ben Franklin Transit
1000 Columbia Park TrailRichland, WA 99352
Vanpool participants may email our Fleet Coordinators: Michaela Dimas MDimas@bft.org, or Vicky Pacheco: VPacheco@bft.org.